Jane's review of Wholesale Custom Kitchens

Wholesale Custom Kitchens

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/30/2010
. 1
. 0
12/4/11 THERE IS JUSTICE! THe Detective Heacock and the DA finally got me ALL my money! Due to their tireless efforts,CJ Ward and all the amazing woman who fought for justice other people will not be scammed and but through this ordeal! This has renewed my faith in the Justice system, which Aviva will be part of in Jail. Unfortunately, Aviva and her Husband David are Sociopaths and pathological liars, so they take no responsibility for what they do. They both need professional help or a hospital and unfortunately, the main victims are their three little girls. They do not have a chance with these two as parents. Thank you all for your help and support. And...to any new victims...which there will be...don't give up and keep on fighting! ************************************************************************************************* http://www.keyt.com/news/key-news-investigates/Tipline-Investigation-Aviva-Millan---Bad-Business-101611503.html copy this link and watch and you will know everything you need to know. This investigative report says it all for the over 75 know victims of her fraud and grand theft. Hopefully the LADA will press criminal charges to her already existing convictions. Jail is the only room she should be decorating. ----------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE ***4/11 Aviva Rosen was indicted by the LA Attorney General. Do not give her a penny. It will be paying for her bail or criminal defense attorneys. I doubt she will be around to finish any jobs or steal any more money. She will not be scamming,stealing or hurting any more people in LA. I am sure she will find some new scam somewhere...
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Hours   Phone   (818) 661-0216 Address   12154 Beaufait Avenue
Porter Ranch, CA 91326
Website   Email   wholesalecustomkitchens@gmail.com
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