Review 11/24/2010
I suffer from Ocular Rosacea. I went to a leading opthomologist who prescribed 2 prescription eye drops that were expensive. One was a steroid. Additionally he recommended an eyelid cleanser pad. After trying these products for one year the results were poor. Eventually he discontinued the steroid eyedrops because of the risk of blindness. My vision became very poor and I was unable to read and I had to have my wife read to me. I was in despair of losing my vision. Then I found Dr. Nase's book and subsequently I received a trial offer to try Rosadyn. In a few weeks the tormenting itching of my eyes was 90% reduced and I could read again. The annoying tearing had stopped. It is a truly miraculous result. I would recommend this product 100% to anyone suffering from Ocular Rosacea.