Review 10/26/2009
I never even heard of Value Home Loan, Inc. Until one day I got a "Notice of Default" back in 2006. I had a 1st mortgage and was good on it and didn't understand why I was receiving this "Notice" I called my mortgage company and they said it wasn't them to call the number on the notice, so I did. They gave me the information for Value Home Loan, Inc. Located in Woodland Hills, CA. I called them and explained my situation and they said that my husband and I took out a loan in 2005 for 410,000.00. I explained that my husband and I divorced in 2004 and I never even heard of them. To make a very long story short they defaulted on my property and started foreclosure. They filed a "Notice to Quite" and had the sheriffs come lock out my 3 children and I along with our 3 dogs, our cat and our parrot. I tried every avenue to communicate with this company, made several attempts to speak to Mr. Git__ and got no where. The one time he got on the phone he said " sell us your house and we will rent it to you" my reply of course was "no" and then he hung up on me never to answer a call from me again. I am now fighting for my home back and living in a motor home with my children and had to adopt out our animals. Whom ever does business with this company should really think twice.