Review 2/1/2010
I was soloing on blu/bst in crawlers nest when all of the sudden i got an error. I went to relog in and i had LM-17 banned slapped on me. I was banned for no reason. I have been playing ffxi online since 2002. My character stats are viewable here http://www.ffxiah.com/player.php?id=1986 I have put a lot of years into this game and paid about $1500.00 in monthly fees and installing/buying the game & expansions over the course of 8 years. They took my money and banned my account. I have contacted SE's support and i was told that my ban complaint would be reviewed. It has been 2 weeks and is still pending a review. I called SE 2 days ago and nothing has been looked at. SE is not putting any effort into looking for the problem. They need to fix there auto flag ban process. They are culling accounts many people have been banned along with me. The support told me if i made a trade with rmt that i would be banned but i have no clue who rmt is. I have never been involved with rmt but i have made trades with other players. I was banned for no reason and i will NOT be playing your next game FF 14 online as this is an attempt to cull players to your next game so you can continue building a future revenue. My fiancee's account was banned as well. She bought the game made many friends in the 2 months she has played. She has done nothing and what did you do SE you banned her caused emotional stress and problems in my life. Ill be joining the class/suit with the lawyer for the issue of Fan Sues Square Enix For Deceiving Customers /w Esther Long. We will spread the news through out the internet.Every forum youtube page and site included. We will now bring this to court.