Review 1/27/2011
Dear potential Pinnacle college student, My name is J.C. Adams. I am the first "graduate" of the Northern California branch of Pinnacle College (formerly soundmaster bla bla). Be forewarned. All is not as it seems. I have had a very hard time obtaining necessary tax documents as of most recent. The class I was in never received any real vocational training. There were NO textbooks. Most questions were answered by the "instructors" using wikipedia. We were given the answers to the tests so that this first class would look good on paper according to a former employee. The gear is not the greatest and some is dated and well used. The kicker is they lied on paper about post grad employment. I was asked to lie on paper about employment with the promise of future employment when something good came through. This had something to do with Pinnacle College's accreditation as a vocational school. A few employees have quit or been let go in the first couple years. In short, if you spend the same amount of money on gear and instructional books you will be WAY WAY better off. Good luck. I still have the emails asking me to lie by the way ;)