Don't believe everything you read on here.
Patrol Masters is a solid company with more than experienced and qualified staff. Whoever wrote about that they are shady and that they patrol masters are getting kickbacks from tow companies is 100 percent false. I'm telling you first hand as a tow provider that that kind of false accusation is coming from the 5 percent of people that actually don't follow the rules and abide by the certain HOA rules and regulations set forth for the community in which they live. The certain individuals will bash and say unknown facts due to the fact they broke the rules and were towed. In all reality just be a man or women and admit you were in the wrong by the way you parked due to the HOA rules you live at. It's not Patrol Masters or the Tow companies that make these rules. If you don't like it why did you move into such a community only to make up BS about the company doing what they are told to do. Again this is coming first hand from a tow owner. There are zero kickbacks. I work with over 20 different patrol companies and patrol masters is at the top of the list year in year out. Stop hating