Review 2/19/2010
A couple of friends along with myself decided to take this week long course of practicing with liquor bottles filled with food coloring. Sally, the owner of the school told me they were doing a promotional offer of "....only $500! Today is the last day! So you need to let me know now." (A friend later told me she paid the same amount a month prior to that.)The school features a bulletin board titled, "Job Placements" filled with cards filled out by previous students describing their cool new bartending jobs. The school did not help me or any of my friends get jobs. Upon completing the course, they sent me to several bars and restaurants and even gave me the names of the managers/owners and specific times to go- as if they'd be expecting me. None of them were hiring. One of the bars had never even heard of the school. Eventually- on my own- I found a waittressing- NOT bartending job that offered the possibility of eventually becoming a bar back. Coincidentally, I ran into Sally in line at a store a couple weeks later and told her I'd found a job at a local pizza sportsbar-type place. "Oh great! You have to come in and fill out a card for the bulletin board," she said, obviously trying to take credit for a job the school didn't find me and wasn't even a bartending job. I give them one star for the cheap book of outdated drinks they provide for the course. At least it has the recipe for a mediocre Long Island Ice Tea.