Review 3/15/2008
They have a genius in the bacvkround that developed this buisness format.I dont believe they do what they say. Several times I asked for a copy of the supposed letters sent to collection agencys and or credit card companies and recieved ,nothing...You are allowed only confrence with one emp[loyee fromthere,dont ask for help from another with questionsFunny thing about the internet ,.anyone can put anything on there and call it TRUTH.All you need is a disclaimer saying results may vary,and there are no guarntees as to the outcome...poof,a business is born...got out while I was ahead only got took for first payment of 569.00.They wont settle your entire debt.The minimum amount on a card has to be 1500.00.They tell you not to pay them and late fees and intrest will add up over time then they will add it to the program.DONT DO IT..........THERE ARE OTHER WAYS .DEBT FREE AMERICA,,NATIONAL DEBT SERVICE.DO THE RESEARCH.....