Review 10/25/2007
After an hour of trying to find something about this business online, using their name Columbia Career Institute, I had an idea and did a search on the news article that they have hyperlinked on their website, http://columbiacourse.com. Imagine my suprise, there are two articles. Even more suprising, both articles are exactly the same except in the second article the business is not Columbia Career Institute. The business name is Computer Career Institute. I checked with the LA BBB and Computer Career Institute is not well liked, Rating of F. Those two articles can be found at http://findarticles.tv/Publications/usatoday/68076321.htm and http://findarticles.tv/Publications/usatoday/68076323.htm. Also, if you check out both websites, http://columbiacourse.com and http://computercareerinstitute.com you will see that they are exactly the same, except Columbia has added hyperlinks to what I am now calling bogus information. And just for giggles, click on the Enroll link on either site, then check for the availablilty. Oh my god there is only 1 opening in my area. Now I don't know why I clicked on refresh, but I did. Hey there are now 3 openings. I continued to do this over 5 minutes and the openings never go over 3 and never below 1. I hope this information will help those looking for a "work at home" oppurtunity and prevent them from being out $249.