Review 12/15/2008
On December 10, one of Century's telemarketers, Dana Anderson, called me in an attempt to fraudulently secure an order for copier toner. Ms. Anderson misrepresented herself as being “with Konica” even though she clearly works for Century. She stated that they were “our supplier for the Konica toner” despite the fact that we have never done business. She failed to represent the call as a solicitation for a sale. And, she misrepresented the product (“price increase”). All of these are in violation of the FTC’s Telemarketing "Rule".
A short time later, an "Order Acknowledgement" form was faxed to me. The were attempting to sell a "carton" of toner for $619 plus "shipping and handling". A reputable office supply company would sell the same for about $75. Most companies have toner included in their maintenance agreement so they get it a zero additional cost.
Century is just looking for someone, anyone within a company who is gullible enough to believe them and sign their form. Once that occurs, they hand it off to a "fulfillment" company that will ship, invoice and collect this excessive charge. Check out Century's fulfillment service company, IDCServco, on this site. Their hundreds of complaints are a testament to the quality of business they represent and perpetuate with the help of Century.