Review 5/8/2009
I don't understand how this so-called company is still in business. They called my wifes place of employment this week and, after questioning the receptionist as to what type of vehicle my wife drives and tons of other questions, proceeded to try to intimidate my wife with a debt whose statute of limitations expired several years back. They threatened with repossesing her car, sending the sheriff, getting the IRS involved, etc. Their tactics are rude and they use a lot of legalese jargon to try to intimidate you into submission. What they won't do however, is give you any information on themselves. I managed to get the company name but nothing else. When I tried to get information from them, the representative Tom (probably not his real name) became defensive. Once he saw I was pushing back, he resorted to name calling, profanity and suggesting that I was a homosexual in a same sex marriage. I know this sounds ludicrous, but it is true. I googled them online and after a very short time, found tons of complaints on them. My next step is contacting the FTC to find out what process can be initiated against them.